Grain Drying, Hartley Farms

At Hartley Farms Grain Drying, we run two grain dryers consisting of a continuous flow dryer for larger tonnages and also a mobile dryer allowing us the flexibility of dealing with smaller tonnages and speciality crops, for example quinoa.

Grain Drying

Hartley Farms currently run two grain dryers consisting of a continuous flow dryer for larger tonnages and also a mobile dryer allowing us the flexibility of dealing with smaller tonnages and speciality crops, for example quinoa, malting barley, seed crops beans and peas and other sensitive crops.

To find out more about our grain management service please contact us today.

Professional Grain Drying Services

At Hartley Farms we specialise in advanced grain drying services. Our aim is to ensure the safety, quality, and longevity of your agricultural products, crucial for maintaining market standards and maximising storage life.

Why Grain Drying Matters

Proper grain drying is essential for preventing spoilage, preserving nutrient quality, and preparing crops for safe storage and sale.

Effective drying practices are fundamental in managing the risks associated with grain storage, including mould growth and toxin production.

Tailored Drying Solutions

At Grain Management, we recognise that different grains have specific drying needs influenced by their properties and the intended storage conditions.

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and extensive industry experience, we provide customised drying solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client, from large-scale agricultural operations to speciality crop producers.

Discover the benefits of our grain drying techniques and learn how our commitment to tailored services can enhance the efficiency and profitability of your farming operations. Trust Grain Management for expert care and handling of your agricultural products.

All Grain is thoroughly tested at Hartley Farms
Grain Testing at Hartley Farms

Our Grain Drying Techniques

Advanced Drying Methods

At Hartley Farms, we employ a variety of sophisticated grain drying techniques tailored to the specific needs of different grains and operational scales.

Our approach is designed to maximise efficiency and ensure the highest quality of dried grain.

Continuous Flow Dryers

Our continuous flow dryers are ideal for handling large volumes of grain quickly and efficiently. This method involves continuously feeding grain into the dryer, where it is exposed to a controlled heat source.

The continuous movement helps to ensure even drying and minimises the risk of overheating, which can degrade grain quality.

Mobile Dryers

For smaller batches or speciality crops, our mobile dryers offer unparalleled flexibility. These units can be transported directly to various sites, making them perfect for on-site drying operations.

Mobile dryers are particularly useful for delicate crops like quinoa and speciality malts, which require precise moisture control to maintain their unique qualities.

Near-Ambient Air Drying

For grains sensitive to high temperatures, we use near-ambient air drying techniques. This method involves circulating air that is only slightly warmer than the ambient temperature around the grain.

It is slower than high-temperature drying but significantly reduces the risk of damaging the grain. This technique is particularly effective for preserving the germination quality of seed grains and maintaining the integrity of organic crops.

Customised Drying Solutions

Recognising that every crop and client has unique requirements, we offer customised drying solutions. Whether you need a rapid drying process for a large harvest or a gentle drying method for high-quality speciality grains, we adapt our techniques to meet your specific needs.

By utilising these diverse and advanced grain drying techniques, Hartley Farms ensures that all clients receive the most effective and suitable drying solutions for their agricultural products.

Our commitment to innovation and quality guarantees that your grains are processed with the utmost care, preserving their value and preparing them for market or further processing.

Benefits of Professional Grain Drying

Optimal Moisture Content

Professional grain drying services ensure that your grain achieves the optimal moisture content necessary for safe storage and processing.

Proper moisture levels prevent the growth of mould and the production of harmful toxins, significantly reducing the risk of spoilage and loss.

This precision in moisture control is crucial for maintaining the quality and safety of your agricultural products throughout their shelf life.

Enhanced Product Quality

Drying grain to the correct moisture levels can enhance its physical quality, making it more appealing to buyers and processors. Properly dried grains have a uniform appearance and are less likely to crack or split during handling and milling.

This not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also increases the market value of the grain, ensuring you receive the best possible return on your crops.

Increased Storage Longevity

Grain that is dried professionally can be stored for longer periods without degrading in quality. This extended storage capability allows you more flexibility in timing your sales to take advantage of favourable market conditions.

Additionally, reducing the moisture content lowers the likelihood of insect infestation and microbial growth, further preserving the grain during storage.

Cost Efficiency

Using advanced grain drying techniques can be more energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

By employing the latest technologies in grain drying, professional services like Hartley Farms ensure that energy consumption is minimised while maximising drying efficiency.

This reduces operational costs and can contribute to lower overall expenses in the grain production process.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Professional grain drying helps ensure that your products meet regulatory standards for moisture content, which are critical for grain sold in both domestic and international markets.

Compliance with these standards not only avoids potential legal issues but also enhances the reputation of your brand in the marketplace.

By opting for professional grain drying services from Hartley Farms, you benefit from our expertise and technology, ensuring that your grains are treated in the best possible manner to maximise quality, safety, and profitability.

Grain Storage Area at Hartley Farms

Why Choose Hartley Farms?

Industry Expertise and Experience

At Hartley Farms, we bring decades of experience and a deep understanding of agricultural practices to every project we undertake. Our team consists of industry specialists who are not only knowledgeable but also passionate about providing the best grain management solutions.

This wealth of experience ensures that we are well-equipped to handle any challenges that arise in grain drying, making us a trusted partner in the agricultural sector.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We invest in the latest grain drying technologies to ensure our services are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

Our state-of-the-art equipment includes continuous flow dryers and mobile dryers, designed to offer flexibility and precision in drying various types of grains.

This technological edge allows us to deliver superior quality and consistency, setting us apart from competitors.

Customised Service Offering

Understanding that each client has unique needs, Hartley Farms offers tailored grain drying solutions. Whether you are dealing with high-volume cereal grains or speciality crops like quinoa and malting barley, we adjust our processes to meet your specific requirements.

Our approach ensures that every client receives a service that maximises their yield and enhances the quality of their produce.

Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of our operations. We strive to minimise our environmental impact through efficient energy use and innovative drying techniques that reduce waste and conserve resources.

By choosing Hartley Farms, you are partnering with a service provider that prioritises eco-friendly practices without compromising on service quality.

Proven Track Record

Our long-standing success and the satisfaction of our clients speak volumes about our reliability and the quality of our services.

Hartley Farms is known for delivering results that exceed expectations, as evidenced by our history of successful engagements and the positive feedback from our clients.

Choosing Hartley Farms means opting for a partner who understands the importance of your agricultural investments and is committed to protecting and enhancing them through expert grain drying services.

Join us at Hartley Farms, where your grain drying needs are met with professionalism and care.

CALL: 01785 282255

Grain Management Services by Hartley Farms